Winter wedding; which civil dress to choose?

July 05, 2022

Do you dream of a magical wedding in the middle of winter? With LAMUSÉE Paris, it's possible!
Winter civil dress and accessories to stay warm, you will necessarily find what you are looking for.


Winter civil dress

Did you fall under the charm of winter to the point of getting married during this period? At LAMUSÉE Paris we make your life easier! With our customizable Civil Collection in half-measures, we adapt your favorite dress to the season. All to stay warm in an irresistible look! 

Who says winter wedding says magical atmosphere...

Soft, cocooning, warm atmosphere, do you love the charm of winter ? So you want to get married during this season when everything is dressed in white? Although it is less successful than summer, your guests will be swept away in the winter atmosphere of your wedding. In the heart of nature or by the fireplace, you can directly draw inspiration from the rustic, magical and woody worlds of this season.

Which civilian dress to choose?

Do you dream of getting married in a winter atmosphere but you haven't found your civil dress yet? Do not panic ! At LAMUSÉE Paris, we have what you need! Dresses, sets, and jumpsuits in which you will be ready to face the mild cold of winter . For this, we advise you to favor warm materials such as wool or velvet, as well as a skirt or long sleeves. On the other hand, avoid the train which would tend to get dirty quickly in the snow, opt instead for a pretty midi skirt, which will let your pair of heels appear!

Your favorite civil dress is not made for a winter wedding?
Good news ! Thanks to the half-measure , you have the possibility of personalizing your dress at your convenience. Whether it's lengthening the sleeves, the skirt or simply choosing a material warmer than polyester.

Discover our entire collection of civilian dresses perfect for winter !

The essential accessories to beat the cold

Beyond the bouquet, the crown of flowers or jewelry, getting married in winter requires bringing a few more accessories... To avoid ending up freezing at the end of the day, remember to wrap yourself in a nice coat in wool or a delicate mohair stole. A way to stay warm while adding an extra touch to your look.
And to stay warm to the tips of your toes, even in heels, dare to wear socks! All for a touch that is both chic and fashionable!

Accessorize your civilian dress with our accessories !

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