What dresses for my witnesses?

March 26, 2019

You haven't finished thinking about your wedding dress that already another question arises… What will your bridesmaids and bridesmaids wear? Theme, no theme? The Amusee gives you some ideas!

Between the supporters of an imposed theme and the defenders of total freedom of choice, witness dresses have not finished unleashing passions!

It is well known, the dilemma is Cornelian. On the one hand, if you impose a theme, you keep control of your wedding. This is the guarantee of perfectly harmonious photos. The risk ? Make some of your witnesses uncomfortable with the choice of dress.

On the other hand, the total absence of a theme is a double-edged sword. Either it's downright charming, or it stings the eyes. But are you ready to take such a risk on your wedding day?

The key to success is letting your witnesses choose a few things. You thus respect the tastes and morphologies of each while keeping control of certain aspects.

At L'Amusée we call this the "half-theme"! Here are some ideas:

We see life in color:

The concept is simple. Each witness chooses the model she prefers among those of our Colored Line . Only the color is imposed. Your witnesses will appreciate the freedom given to them and the color effect will be very pretty in the photo!

The magic of half measures:

If you want a very coherent theme for your witnesses , our half-measure system offers a good compromise. Choose a model and a shade. We then take care of adapting it to the morphology of each person. Length of the skirt, sleeves, depth of the neckline: we transform the wishes of your witnesses into reality!

The hyper vague theme:

Your witnesses are free to choose their dresses, but you impose an ultra-vague theme on them: bright colours, prints galore, shiny textures… Anything is possible!

Accessory are you there?

If you trust your witnesses and don't want to impose a dress on them, there is a trick to add your little personal touch: the accessory! A headpiece, a flower in the hair, a ribbon tied around the wrist… Don't hesitate to ask our advisers for ideas.

Freedom sweet freedom:

Of course, it is quite possible to let your witnesses choose their outfit from A to Z. Simply ask to see their choice before D-Day in order to avoid unpleasant surprises (ouch, ouch the duplicate outfit). Remember to check the length of the skirts. It would be weird to have all your witnesses in long skirts except for one… or vice versa!

Like everything in life, it's a question of balance :)

Article written by Maria Paula Ordonez (https://www.honoree.fr/)

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